Mobile Suit Gundam: Hrairoo-Rah II и компания

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#0 : 25.10.2024 05:59

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Hrairoo-Rah II

Etra “Real Cero Espada” Zombanya ウルトラ - アルバニー

#1 : 24.10.2024 23:48

Update Request: Gundam Battle Operation 2


The available assets for Gundam Battle Operation 2 are out of date by approximately 5 game versions, the filenames and respective unit names are below

sbw - Sliferail

version 0183

agb - Armored GM (Barry), e0i - Engage Zero INCOM type, e8h - Gundam Ez8 (HMC), mf2 - Messer Type-F02

version 0184

bgz - Big Zam, dzk - Dozle's Zaku, ksg - Xi Gundaam, mgf - M'Quve's Gouf, mnf - MP Nu Gundam (Fin Funnel Type), pnp - Penelope, t52 - Hrairoo-Rah II

version 0185

e0y - Engage Zero Yonfavin, fvn - Fafnir, hiu - Hazel Icarus Unit, mzg - Mass Production Z Gundam, ntx - NT-X


#2 : 29.10.2024 09:02

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