War Thunder: Обновление 2.37
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Мастер Моделей

#0 : 20.06.2024 04:20
Информация из новой версии игры на сайте.

#1 : 29.05.2024 21:53
WarThunder new Dev Server
Could you update warthunder to the last devserver. Cause They introduce the new Su-27SM.
Best Regards
Мастер Моделей

#2 : 30.05.2024 04:52
As far as I know, the DEV server has not yet been updated.

#3 : 30.05.2024 05:32
The dev server has not updated at all yet, neither have we had dev streams so it is not introduced yet.

#4 : 30.05.2024 14:19
As far as I know, the DEV server has not yet been updated.
Thanks bro
The dev server has not updated at all yet, neither have we had dev streams so it is not introduced yet.
Again Thanks bro
Николай Мунтян

#5 : 31.05.2024 16:41
Мастер Моделей, привет, Дев-сервер уже доступен

#6 : 31.05.2024 19:17
Мастер Моделей, привет, Дев-сервер уже доступен
Мастер Моделей

#7 : 31.05.2024 20:18
War Thunder: DEV сервер 2.36
Новые модели на сайте

#8 : 01.06.2024 10:52

#9 : 05.06.2024 10:29

#10 : 09.06.2024 15:25
Здравствуйте, а будет ли обновлена модель Mig-21 Bison, с последней версии Дев сервера? Или этого стоит ожидать с полноценным выходом обновления?

#11 : 09.06.2024 15:58
Regarding the tank shells of war thunder
Hello, may I ask if it is possible to update the latest ZTZ-99A model of War Thunder in the test server, as well as the models of all tank shells
——The software I am using for translation may not express the meaning clearly
Мастер Моделей

#12 : 09.06.2024 20:06
Здравствуйте, а будет ли обновлена модель Mig-21 Bison, с последней версии Дев сервера?
Пересобрал новые модели с DEV сервера.
Hello, may I ask if it is possible to update the latest ZTZ-99A model of War Thunder in the test server, as well as the models of all tank shells
Only new models are created for the DEV server. Existing models will be updated with the next game update.
I don’t know where to look for tank shells yet. If I get around to it, I’ll definitely create models.

#13 : 10.06.2024 12:36
Пересобрал новые модели с DEV сервера.
Большое спасибо!
Jay B

#14 : 14.06.2024 01:01
Yes, I was trying to make a user skin today that included the CFTs, but was unable to finish it because of this.
I think the F-15C MSIP II is lacking the model of Conformal Fuel Tank(CFT)in pylons
Мастер Моделей

#15 : 14.06.2024 03:35
Yes, I was trying to make a user skin today that included the CFTs, but was unable to finish it because of this.
I think the F-15C MSIP II is lacking the model of Conformal Fuel Tank(CFT)in pylons
I don't know why this happens . These tanks are available in some configurations, if I understand correctly what they are.

#16 : 16.06.2024 11:55
новые модели: танкистов, пилотов тоже есть?
Мастер Моделей

#17 : 16.06.2024 16:55
новые модели: танкистов, пилотов тоже есть?
Должны быть.

#18 : 17.06.2024 01:24
Mirage 2000D_R1 missing part?
There seems to be a part missing on the bottom fuselage for the Mirage models, the airbrake and airbrake housing

#19 : 20.06.2024 15:51
Does someone know where I can find the data pod of Buccaneer S.2 in Asset Viewer? If it not works here may be I can rib it.

#20 : 20.06.2024 18:21
I'm sure I aksed this before, or maybe it was where the pave spike was? I found that in the F4E Kurnass.
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