Ошибки сайта и моделей / Site and models errors

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#141 : 25.12.2024 11:33

For Armored Warfare, Merkava Mk.4M Barak seems have some errors, and one piece of K2 turret have mistakenly grouped with hull


#142 : 02.01.2025 22:58

War Thunder: Ошибка в UV развёртке камуфляжных сетей некоторой техники.

Уже писал до этого, но, как я понимаю, скриншоты не прогрузились, поэтому совмещу всё вместе с (надеюсь) прогруженными скриншотами.

Заметил такую проблему у Vextra 105, Tiger West и Leopard 2A4M: UV развертка их маскировочных сетей отображается неправильно:

https://ibb.co/MZ5bwdv https://ibb.co/jbm5CJ6 - Vextra 105

https://ibb.co/kDbkHqX - Tiger West

https://ibb.co/Jcbv0g7 https://ibb.co/QNPbBVB - Leopard 2A4M

В последнем скрине леопарда я обвел красным развертку текстуры camo_net_c. 


#143 : 06.01.2025 10:27

War Thunder Mi-24 HIRSS

I find all the Mi-24 model included the superhind 3d model is missing the HIRSS modification.





#144 : 10.01.2025 10:08

I found that these models may need to be updated or have a new edition added. I haven't found any topic about them.
In the section: DCS World -> Multirole fighters:
The model named "F/A-18A" is actually the model of "f-18a.edm".
The model named "F/A-18C" is actually the model of "f-18c.edm".
And the model I'm looking for is "fa-18c.edm", which I haven't found yet.
The models named "F-16C bl.50" and "F-16C bl.52D" are actually the model of "f-16.edm".
The model I'm looking for is "f-16c_bl50.edm", which I haven't found yet.
Big thanks for considering updating those files!