Ошибки сайта и моделей / Site and models errors
Мастер Моделей

#0 : 13.07.2023 08:44
Здесь пишем о проблемах. Желательно с указанием ссылки на страницу с ошибкой.
Please report any bugs here. Preferably with a link to the page with the problem.
请在此处报告任何错误。 最好提供有问题的页面的链接。

#1 : 12.07.2023 21:32
Warthunder Japanese AH-64 preset not loading
I had this issue with the preset loadouts for the AH-64DJP not loading in. Not sure if that is just a viewer issue or not. It's the 2x ATAS, 2x ATAS and the 76xHydra-70 M247 presets. When I attempt to view that preset, it just appears invisible on the heli model.
Thanks for taking the time to look at this post.

#2 : 17.07.2023 15:46
Coating of War Thunder T-72AV(TURMS-T) seems wrong
The coating on War Thunder T-72AV(TURMS-T)'s ERAs and hatch doors seems wrong. It seems different to what I see in the game client. But the coating on its main part seems same as the coating in the game.

#3 : 17.07.2023 15:52
Oh...The coating on its main part seems wrong either.

#4 : 20.07.2023 21:53
So I found a few issues in the Armored Warfare section:
Czechia - ZUBR PSP (Second gun option) - https://www.gamemodels3d.com/games/armoredwarfare/vehicles/zubr-psp - Missing turret
USA - M48 GAU-8 Avenger - https://www.gamemodels3d.com/games/armoredwarfare/vehicles/m48-gau-8 - Missing mantlet
USSR - T-80U - https://www.gamemodels3d.com/games/armoredwarfare/vehicles/t-80u - Missing turret.
I also found an issue with the forum when I tried to post this with pictures as links to the pages. Basically it would display the first part of the message, but the second picture link would cause th "reply" button and reply text box to be embedded in my message, but clicking on them would take you to the second link. I'll try to get the source of my comment (before submitting it) and send that via email so you can see what was happening.
Edited to add - It looks like pasting the images embedded them as inline mime encoded data. With several images, the entire message became 135k, so I bet it was truncated somewhere. It looks like that isn't being handled well, and there's an unmatched "<a href=...>" tag left in the message.

#5 : 23.07.2023 14:52
In the War Thunder, part of the 9M114 ATGM of Soviet aircraft disappeared,It contains: Mi24P Mi24V

#6 : 01.08.2023 02:26
World of Warships:I cant download gltf models
These days, Im trying to download models of IJN Bungo(PT 12.7). But their obj and stl model faces are opposite. So I tried to download their gltf models, but also failed.
I also tried downloading from other partitions, such as EU RU CN severs. But these partitions also do not provide download of gltf models (USS Langley)
So who can tell me what happened?
Мастер Моделей

#7 : 01.08.2023 07:05
These days, Im trying to download models of IJN Bungo(PT 12.7). But their obj and stl model faces are opposite. So I tried to download their gltf models, but also failed.
Oops! It was a mistake, it's been fixed.
Fighter Tie

#8 : 05.08.2023 03:08
Some models are broken
Every models of F4U-1s(A,C,D,USMC) and some other plane models are broken.

#9 : 11.08.2023 23:42
I've been having an issue starting today. The model viewer for World of Warships models doesn't display anything but white currently. I used it a few days ago and it worked fine but now no models display.
Мастер Моделей

#10 : 12.08.2023 07:04
I've been having an issue starting today. The model viewer for World of Warships models doesn't display anything but white currently. I used it a few days ago and it worked fine but now no models display.
Please specify which browser you are using. Clearing the cache might help.

#11 : 15.08.2023 00:15
Hello, the model viewer of battleship world model currently only displays white, can not view and download the 3D model
Мастер Моделей

#12 : 15.08.2023 04:55
Hello, the model viewer of battleship world model currently only displays white, can not view and download the 3D model
Please specify which device and browser you are using. I am unable to reproduce this error.
Fighter Tie

#13 : 15.08.2023 09:54
Models of war thunder american fighters are still broken, And I can't download the carrier model with squadrons.

#14 : 15.08.2023 11:09
Здравствуйте, не показывает модели на сайте, в чем может быть причина?

#15 : 15.08.2023 11:11
Skunky Reapius

#16 : 15.08.2023 13:22
Is the site undergoing some sort of maintanence?
Models don't seem to be showing on Mobile PC and any browser I try.

#17 : 15.08.2023 15:35
Заходишь во вкладку с игрой, а там кроме кнопки с версией игры ничего нет
тоже самое

#18 : 15.08.2023 16:41
Мастер Моделей wrote days ago, that he is working on the site.
Мастер Моделей

#19 : 16.08.2023 05:16
Мастер Моделей wrote days ago, that he is working on the site.
Loaded the wrong scripts by mistake. And then I lost access to the computer. As soon as I got back, I put everything back in place.

#20 : 16.08.2023 05:20
На модельки Су-25 (не К, а обычный) отсутсвует блоки ЛТЦ над двигателями
Су-25 : War Thunder : Ударный самолёт Су-25 - Информация (gamemodels3d.com)