Дневник разработчика: Новые игры / New games

#21 : 25.02.2023 19:07

#22 : 25.02.2023 19:34
Enlisted and Assassin's Creed Origins
don Rumata

#23 : 25.02.2023 21:10
Те игры, где есть исторически достоверные модели техники - DCS, MFS (разных годов), ИЛ-2 и т.д.

#24 : 25.02.2023 21:20
I would prioritize games where we currently don't have ripper tools like Arma 3, Enlisted, DCS, Company of Heroes 2/3, Heroes an Generals, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Those games would suit the theme of this site very well.
Now, I personally need a tool to extract buildings, rocks, etc. from "Desperados 3". The game is made in Unity so I downloaded Asset Studio to extract the models but unfortunately it extracts them with the UV's screwed up.

#25 : 25.02.2023 21:50
I would prioritize games where we currently don't have ripper tools like Arma 3, Enlisted, DCS, Company of Heroes 2/3, Heroes an Generals, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Those games would suit the theme of this site very well.
Now, I personally need a tool to extract buildings, rocks, etc. from "Desperados 3". The game is made in Unity
so I downloaded Asset Studio to extract the models but unfortunately it extracts them with the UV's screwed up.
Arma 3 have ripper already

#26 : 25.02.2023 22:10
Ripping from Unity games is fairly strait forward anyone here can do it. Simple use AssetStudio https://github.com/Perfare/AssetStudio.
Now for modern Warships and games that use unity Force of Warships is easy to get what you want and thats on steam. Hardest part was finding the textures for the rails. Modern Warships: Naval Battles is a unity game for phones. Still asset studio does a good job you simply download the APK file and use winrar to extract the main folders. The only issue with this is you have to hunt down the weapon systems because they are kept seperately from the models and sometimes the game does not use the correct weapon systems for the ships.
I would vote for DCS or Steel Division models.

#27 : 25.02.2023 22:32
DCS, новый Ил-2, - было просто замечательно.
Серия FSX - полным полном аддонов, только успевать распаковывать:) Battlefield 2042 и модели из него мало где встретишь сейчас в открытом доступе

#28 : 25.02.2023 23:49
There is a submarine game for smart phones based on Unity. When both are based on the same system, then it would be easy for Мастер Моделей to assemble the models. So he will have time for a more complicated one. One or two easy to handle games and one difficult to widen his skills. Is this a deal?

#29 : 26.02.2023 00:17
I would like to see Ace Combat, Modern Warships or Genshin Impact (only weapon/prop models for Genshin)

#30 : 26.02.2023 00:35
There is a submarine game for smart phones based on Unity. When both are based on the same system, then it would be easy for Мастер Моделей to assemble the models. So he will have time for a more complicated one. One or two easy to handle games and one difficult to widen his skills. Is this a deal?
Name of the game? I can have a quick look to see how hard it is to extract.

#31 : 26.02.2023 00:41
I recommend Enlisted because it can supplement soldiers. Enlisted soldiers are relatively complete, and are unified with WT engines.

#32 : 26.02.2023 02:25
I agree with Company of Heroes. Also any luck on the WoT Blitz addons for special camos?

#33 : 26.02.2023 04:24
Как насчет игр серии Соулз? (Димон Соулз, 3 части Дарк Соулз, Бладборн, Елен Ринг, Секиро)
Ну и конечно же Ворлд оф ганс хотелось бы)
cl 893

#34 : 26.02.2023 07:44
Battlefield Series
Богдан Покрышкин

#35 : 26.02.2023 09:55
DCS однозначно, Ил-2 из новой генерации, можно что-то про подлодки - очень редкие игры в нынешнее время.

#36 : 26.02.2023 10:47
Verdun или Tannenberg

#37 : 26.02.2023 14:51
Уважаемый Мастер, я увлекаюсь играми на историческую тематику,но список меня порадовал. Особенно Ил-2, Компани хировс и Модерн Варшипс.

#38 : 26.02.2023 15:22
There is a submarine game for smart phones based on Unity. When both are based on the same system, then it would be easy for Мастер Моделей to assemble the models. So he will have time for a more complicated one. One or two easy to handle games and one difficult to widen his skills. Is this a deal?
Name of the game? I can have a quick look to see how hard it is to extract.
It's World of Submarines. The game is based on Unity and the models are easy to extract but it is not easy to find all the textures. Same with Modern Warships. Easy to extract but damned complicatet to assemble all parts.

#39 : 26.02.2023 15:26
Enlisted, I'd like to see those weapons.

#40 : 26.02.2023 16:06
Enlisted and steel division 2 would be great!