Дневник разработчика: Новые игры / New games
Мастер Моделей

#201 : 02.08.2024 18:16
Modern Warships would be always good.
It's on the Unity engine. There must be many different converters. Right?

#202 : 03.08.2024 03:54
I am not sure. But when I look at the site, the ships like not to be of good quality. If there is a better game with modern warships I would appreciate it.

#203 : 06.08.2024 06:29
It's on the Unity engine. There must be many different converters. Right?
Yup, here is the updated Asset Studio Ripper for Unity which works pretty good with Modern Warships. https://github.com/zhangjiequan/AssetStudio
Still need to manually put the weapons on ships but everything else is there. Models are not terrible and fairley accurate just the weapon systems that games sticks on them are made up or in the wrong spots.

#204 : 11.08.2024 08:37
Will here have the models from Broken Arrow?
Broken Arrow has many good model that I am very intrested in. I'd hope I can find it here in the future.
Thunder Memes

#205 : 17.08.2024 13:15
War Thunder MOBILE models?
Hi i noticed today WT has a mobile game that uses the same file structure as pc .dxp.bin and .grp
There are exlusive models not used in the pc version on the mobile port. Like a high resolution playable version of the IJN Yamato battleship.
Will these models get added at some point?
Мастер Моделей

#206 : 18.08.2024 07:17
I've been looking at this game. But I haven't decided on my plans yet.
Maybe when I find enough time I'll try it.
Thunder Memes

#207 : 20.08.2024 23:39
Ok. If you do ill save you some time.
The hq models are downloaded at the request of the player to save on intital download size. You download them by going into the tech tree and tapping each of the locked vehicles.
The models are stored in the phone here android/data/com.gaijingames.wtm/files in that folder is basically the same file structure as the pc warthunder folder.
Zaid Al Shareef


#209 : 18.10.2024 18:13
MWT Tank Battles
Более, чем уверен что про эту игру спрашивали сотню раз, буду 101.
Касательно этой игры, был открыт ЗБТ, вышел тизер-превью, так что интересно узнать как обстоят дела с "детальным рассмотром внутриигровых моделей внутри блендера"

#210 : 23.10.2024 10:54
Так, а АС7 зачем? Модельки можно достать за 40сек буквально, и они уже готовы к использованию в софте... Приятно будет, конечно, но тут такая работа, что нет смысла как для других закодированных игр.
Ну, если что вот ключ AEC: 0x68747470733a2f2f616365372e616365636f6d6261742e6a702f737065636961
Мастер Моделей

#211 : 23.10.2024 11:33
Так, а АС7 зачем?
Так ведь мне накидали названий, я сделал список. Большинства игр я в глаза не видел и понятия не имею, что там и как

#212 : 23.10.2024 17:55
MWT Tank Battles
I'm more than sure that this game has been asked about a hundred times, I'll be 101.
Regarding this game, the CBT was opened, a teaser preview was released, so it's interesting to know how things are going with the "detailed examination of in-game models inside the blender"

#213 : 23.10.2024 18:32
Gunner, Heat, PC?

#214 : 26.10.2024 10:08
Mircosoft Flight Simulator 20 series, civil aircraft would be awsome!
And maybe Rocket League?
don Rumata

#215 : 26.10.2024 10:42
Mircosoft Flight Simulator действительно был бы очень в тему. Особенно после обретения паровозиками своих цветных шкурок ))

#216 : 26.10.2024 16:16
About Genshin Impact is sense if you want rip models like buildings or npcs models becasue main characters are available to downlaod from devs page
About new games I think about
- Enlisted - weapons and soldiers (vehicles only if they are not in War Thunder becasue most of them are jsut from that game)
- Modern Warships - Its mobile game only I think but getting modern ships could be nice
- DCS Word could be nice but 2 reasons why you probably not rip it: 1) Details of models are very high and textrues are very detailed and high resolution 2) What i know that devs are very strict about ripping their models- Heroes and Generals - In half this year that game will be shut down but 2nd version will come in 2024 (Name: Heroes and Generals 2: The next war) on Unreal Engine 5 game engine. So if you want models from that older version (Still alive) then we have to make asset backup folder for it
Those games were mentioned ealier, my own ideas here:
- Company of heroes 2 and\or 3 or even 1 but you know old verion so quality of that is very low but your choice- Destiny 2 (I played before, some models are nice like weapons or vehicles)
AND MAYBE SOMETHING DIFFERENT like Medieval times games (weapons, armor, soldiers, "civilians", buildings etc)
example of games: Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, Chivalry 2, For Honor, Mordhau or others if you have something in mind
Hi, I saw your steam Gmod models page. Do you have models from 2022 "Children of Arachis" event, like CT-T, R-LAU and buggy Q-AD? Here is only D-OTR tank is on site now, test version of WT.

#217 : 27.10.2024 06:59
Forza Horizon, Euro Truck Simulator
Мастер Моделей

#218 : 27.10.2024 08:44
Forza Horizon, Euro Truck Simulator
Да! Есть желание разнообразить технику другими видами. Грузовики на сайте уже немного есть...

#219 : 02.11.2024 11:02
GUNNER,HEAT,PC! interesting game, have a look
don Rumata

#220 : 02.11.2024 13:05
Можно паровозики доделать и по классам разложить..)) Да и маловато их там почему то.
Можно в фермерский симулятор добавить советскую технику, ее много и она интересна.