I am looking for modeling file an old World of Warships aircraft carrier.
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#0 : 08.12.2021 18:43
Hello, I'm a fan of ship models.
Does anyone have models of aircraft carriers that were in odd tiers in the old World of Warships?
I'm just looking for modeling for size comparison, but I can't find any more information than I thought.
I ask for help from those who have modeling such as Zuiho, Hiryu, Taiho, Bogue, Independence, Essex, etc.
If you have an old aircraft carrier modeling file, I wonder if you can share it.

#1 : 05.03.2021 08:00
Need a Taiho model / Нужна модель Тайхо
Nobody will have a Taiho model from World of Warships?
Ни у кого не будет модели Тайхо из World of Warships?

#2 : 05.03.2021 17:00
Give me some time and I will upload it for you.

#3 : 05.03.2021 18:03

#4 : 11.03.2021 05:13
Nobody will have a Taiho model from World of Warships?Ни у кого не будет модели Тайхо из World of Warships?
taiho 1944
I think i grabbed model from this site while it was still available so only albedo reduced textures.
I still have wow client from 2018 with originals if interested.(cant be bothered to hunt all 117 of them one by one atm)

#5 : 13.03.2021 19:13
Sorry for the delay.
Here it is, fully assembled and with high res main textures. If you need any extra textures that are not currently in game, tell me.

#6 : 15.03.2021 07:26
Sorry for the delay.
Here it is, fully assembled and with high res main textures. If you need any extra textures that are not currently in game, tell me.
Thank you so much!

#7 : 15.03.2021 07:27
Nobody will have a Taiho model from World of Warships?Ни у кого не будет модели Тайхо из World of Warships?
taiho 1944
I think i grabbed model from this site while it was still available so only albedo reduced textures.
I still have wow client from 2018 with originals if interested.(cant be bothered to hunt all 117 of them one by one atm)
Thank you, I will keep in mind for the future

#8 : 21.03.2021 09:53
Old WOWS carrier models?
Hello again!
I was wondering if anyone has any files to the following aircraft carriers that use to be in World of Warships before they switched to the Tier IV-VI-VIII-X setup. I know this site use to have them but I can't find them anymore
Tier V Bogue
Tier VI Independence
Tier IX Essex
Tier V Zuiho
Tier VII Hiryu (Or was it Soryu?)
Tier IX Taiho
If any of you guys have those models I would greatly appreciate it!

#9 : 21.03.2021 12:32
Hello again!
I was wondering if anyone has any files to the following aircraft carriers that use to be in World of Warships before they switched to the Tier IV-VI-VIII-X setup. I know this site use to have them but I can't find them anymore
Tier V Bogue
Tier VI Independence
Tier IX Essex
Tier V Zuiho
Tier VII Hiryu (Or was it Soryu?)
Tier IX Taiho
If any of you guys have those models I would greatly appreciate it!
I already uploaded Taiho. I cannot upload the others right now, so you have to give me some time.

#10 : 22.03.2021 00:01
I have all of these. But never the original download files from here. I can pack them as collada files.

#11 : 22.03.2021 12:38
I have all of these. But never the original download files from here. I can pack them as collada files.
Please do. I assume u have these ships assembled ? For myself i only miss assembled Bogue model.

#12 : 09.08.2021 15:40
Old World of Warships Carrier Models
Hello, me and a few others are currently working on a mod for battlestations pacific. We are currently fixing some corrupted models by re-importing the ship, however we are lacking a model for the USS Independence, does anyone have the old world of warships Independence. We are also curious if anyone has the old USS Essex as well.

#13 : 09.08.2021 16:14
I can try getting them later.

#14 : 09.08.2021 20:48
>I can try getting them later.
Thank you, if you find that you have them I will give you my email unless you can attach files on this site.

#15 : 10.08.2021 02:53
I have the older USA and Japanese carrier models

#16 : 10.08.2021 10:43
>I can try getting them later.
Thank you, if you find that you have them I will give you my email unless you can attach files on this site.
Problem is, the assembling scripts have some problems and I will need to fix them first.

#17 : 11.08.2021 13:36
>I can try getting them later.
Thank you, if you find that you have them I will give you my email unless you can attach files on this site.Problem is, the assembling scripts have some problems and I will need to fix them first.
there seems to be another member with the models so i suggest dont worry about it, messed up models can be a hassle i know that much

#18 : 11.08.2021 13:36
I have the older USA and Japanese carrier models
thank you, just to confirm, do you have USS Essex and USS Independence?

#19 : 12.08.2021 05:16

#20 : 12.08.2021 14:22
Alrighty, big thank you, my email is ijnshimakaze1945@gmail.com, you can send the two models there unless you can attach files on this site.
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